
What is a mental disorder?

Swasthyam 2022: What is a mental disorder?

A mental illness or disorder is a medical condition that can alter a person’s thoughts, emotions, mental state, and day-to-day behaviour. Such people are unable to face crises and problems in their daily life at their full capacity. Mental disorders can affect people of all ages, genders, communities and groups. […]

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The power of music is scientifically proven

The power of music is scientifically proven

Indian culture has some very unique customs and traditions. The most precious treasure among these, something that is closest to our hearts, is music. Music has also been ranked among the best of the 16 arts in the Shastras. Music is a very nice form of devotion. The power of […]

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You don’t need to eat less; you just need to have a proper diet

You don’t need to eat less; you just need to have a proper diet

It is a misconception that ‘being on a diet’ means you have to eat less and avoid oil consumption. This misconception must be corrected and everyone must understand the importance of diet for good health. I started my career as a pilot but I did not enjoy it. I started […]

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Maintain Health through Naad Yoga

Maintain Health through Naad Yoga

Every person should devote just one hour to themselves each day. Try to find answers to questions like ‘What is the purpose of my life?’, ‘What is my identity?’, etc. Naad Yoga or Sound therapy plays an important role in communicating with one’s inner self. People are gradually waking up […]

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Martial art: The science that creates self-realisation

Martial art: The science that creates self-realisation

Actor-producer-martial artist Cheetah Yajnesh Shetty has been training film actors in martial arts for decades. Shetty advocates that martial art is not only a fighting sport, but also a science that creates self-realisation. Excerpts… Martial art turns actors into superstars. How did your journey into it start? Cheetah Shetty: When […]

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